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Toxocid .

Toxocid .

35 INR/Kilograms

Product Details:


Toxocid . Price And Quantity

  • 35 INR/Kilograms
  • 500 Kilograms

Toxocid . Trade Information

  • 1000 Kilograms Per Day
  • 1 Days

Product Description


 ZO-ACID Liquid contains a combination of direct acting organic acids and pH regulators for use in poultry feed.

Formic and Fumaric acids process powerful antimicrobial property.

Citric acids acts as chelating agents to chelate excess metal ions.

Lactic acid promotes normal intestinal balance of Lactobacillus.

Citrates provide extended activity.

Essential oils mask the pungent odor of acids and makes it more soothing to the gut

 Activity in Feed

 It creates acidic conditions in feed which controls the growth and multiplication of harmful pathogens.

Improves the appetizing of feed and which helps in improving feed intake.

Lower downs the acid binding capacity of feed.

Activity in Birds

 Effects on Pathogenic Flora

Acidifies all parts of the digestive region

Results in low intestinal ph which reduces the pathogens like Salmonella, clostridium perfingers, Listeria and Compylo-bacter jejuni.

Acidification favors growth of acidophilus bacterial flora that prevents multiplication of pathogens

Effects on Nutrient Digestion

Stimulates the activation of digestive enzymes

Improves the digestion, absorption and utilization of feed

Cut downs the number of microbes that results in thinning of intestinal wall and increased size of villi which improves the absorption and utilization of nutrients


Acidification of water to reduce pathogen load

Promotes digestion and nutrient absorption.

Promotes the normal gut microflora and enhances gut integrity

Completely bio-degradable

Less stringent smell of acids

No resistance

No withdrawal time

Less corrosive





1000-1500 ml/ Ton of feed


600-1000 ml/ Ton of feed


400-500 ml/ Ton of feed




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